Monday, March 24, 2014


We tasted frobscottle. Frobscottle is from the BFG.
It is a fizzy drink for giants.

To learn more about frobscottle read our writing

Frobscottle is a delicious fizzy drink. If you don't know what frobscottle is its scrum-didily-umptious. If you are like giants and you are drinking frobscottle you would be farting your bottom off by now. Frobscottle is actually for giants but now it is for human beans. You know how bubbles go up? These bubbles go down. Frobscottle has sweets and cream in it. Frobscottle is a little rainbow colour. Frobscottle is sweet and jumbly. When you first see frobscottle it is fluffy.
Author Emma  
Note: Humanbeings are called human beans in the BFG.

What is frobscottle?
Frobscottle is a giants fizzy drink. When you drink frobscottle some of it gets stuck in your throat. It explodes in my throat and it makes me whizzpop. It is a fizzy drink. Quickly the bubbles go down to the bottom of the bottle and smashes like glass. Frobscottle is unique because it makes you whizzpop like a rocket zooming into outer space. The frobscottle we tasted makes us burp because the upwards bubbles makes us burp. Burrrrrrp!
Author Jacob
Note: Whizzpopping is the giants word for farting.

Frobscottle is fizzy that the monstrous giants drink. It is different to human beans fizzy because instead of the bubbles going up they go down. Luckily I got to try frobscottle and it is scrum-didily-umptious. Frobscottle is pale green. Frobscottle tasted like lemonade, popping candy, cream and a hint of raspberry all mixed into one. I want to try giant frobscottle instead of human beans frobscottle because giant frobscottle is rare. I want to whizzpop because it would scare my parents and it would be cool to fly.
Author Bella

Mmmmm frobscottle is a fizzy bubbly drink. It looks like a spider. It smells like yoghart. When I tasted it my face scrunched up because the popping candy was sour but it was still scrum-didily-umptious. Frobscottle is the BFG's favourite drink in the world. When I ate the popping candy it felt like it was exploding in my mouth and the berry was crunchy. I wish that I burped and I could float around the world.
Author Bailey
Note: scrum-didily-umptious means delicious in giants language. 


  1. Henrietta's mumMonday, March 24, 2014

    Room 8 I loved reading your wonderful descriptions of frobscottle. It sounds wonderful. A fizzy whizz popping delight. Great writing and very enjoyable to read.

  2. Great descriptions. I would love to taste frobscottle too. By the way, Happy Birthday Mrs Hill.

  3. Great stories - you kids look like you have lots of fun in class and Mrs H. has lots of exciting learning ideas!

  4. Was that really Fizzy or yummy room 8
