Monday, February 24, 2014

Ouch Stories

We thought about a time when we hurt ourselves and acted out our accident. 
We added detail to our writing to paint a picture in the readers head.

I was swinging bar to bar and my hand started to get sweaty. I started to go a bit faster when I fell onto my back.
“Arrrr! Mum. Dad. My arm hurts. It is bleeding and blood is gushing out of my arm!”
Mum picked me up. “What’s the matter?” she asked. She took one look at my arm…and called “Brendon, Brendon! Call the hospital. Bring them here.”
I slowly settled down. Dad wrapped a towel to stop it bleeding.
The ambulance arrived and put me on a stretcher. They gave me something to breathe easier. They were in a hurry to get to the hospital. I looked mysterious and white like a ghost hiding.
I finally arrived and I got put to sleep. When I woke up I had a purple cast on.

Written by Ruby H

Ouch! Down and down I went like a ball. My nose felt like it was gushing with blood but it wasn't. Once at school we got out of the school pool Mrs H said "Can I meet Room 8 down at the netball court." Room 8 said "Yes!" then somebody actually pushed me over. No one knows who did it. Do you? My eyes were light pink all around and my eyes were leaking with water down my cheeks.

Written by Emma

My leg was red and swollen. I ran into my bedroom crying and didn't come out until it was cupcake time. It all started when we were playing barefoot 2's and Lachlan had his rugby boots on and I came to tackle him. Suddenly he got angry. I knew that he was angry because he was frowning at me "Rrrrrrrr". He had his foot up and then he stood on the side of my left foot. Unfortunately my bruise is still there now.

Written by Logan

  I jumped over the wire safely into the bunny area. I got the shovel not that safely and started digging down... and down... and down because I was trying to make a secret hide out for the bunny. And...splat!!!!!!!!! "Wa wawwa waaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" I hopped in to the house a blood trail was behind me. "Mummy mummy I cut my foot open". "Whaaaaat?"  Vroom vroom! We sped to the doctors. "Hello" said the doctor. "Can you please glue my foot together?" "Ok." It was sparkly purple he did it by gluing it on the side and sliding it around the gap. I stopped crying. I said "Why are smudging the glue?"" Because it will be even". My scar is still on me and I am 7 now.

Written by Jerome


  1. What interesting stories Ruby, Emma, Logan and Jerome. You have all put in lots of detail which made me get a picture in my head of what was happening to each of you. Ouch!! I am glad it was not me in your stories because I am not very brave!

  2. Oh dear Ruby H that has painted a picture in my head. My arm hurts thinking about it!!!
    Mrs England

  3. I love all the bandaid pictures! Well done Room 8. (Great stories too :-))

  4. Awesome stories children and the pictures bring them to life. Well done.
    Logans Mum
