Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Taste Testing

Together we made our special Butter Vegetable sauce. Yummmm!

A huge thank you to Rana's Mum for the yummy recipe. 
We loved it!

We taste tested vegetables to find out what tasted the best in our curry. 

After that we voted what should be in our curry on Market Day

Potatoes, carrots and some cauliflower.

It is going to be delicious.


  1. Jerome was the carrot yum

  2. I smelt it cooking and it made my tummy grumble because it smelt so delicious! I can't wait to buy it at market day.
    Mrs R

  3. I smelt it too and it's going to be so delicious! Think I might have to buy it at market day.

  4. Your curry smelt delicious. Yum Yum!! Looking forward to having some on Market day.

  5. Wow room 8! That looks delicous! I'm definitly going to taste some of that on market day!!

  6. Wow room 8! That looks delicious! I'm definitely going to taste some of that on market day!!!

  7. I can't wait to have butter vegetables on market day. I could smell it cooking and it was such a delicious smell! Yum! What a good way of deciding what vegetables to put in the curry!

  8. Our Butter Vegetable it was yum.
