Tuesday, November 11, 2014


We have been learning about advertising and how it persuades people to buy products. 

We thought about all the ways other people advertise and we each chose how we would like to advertise our Butter Vegetable with our little buddies from Room 2.

Here is some of our advertising.
We are quite proud of our advertising campaign.

You will notice our logo on our advertising around the school
Designed by Neesha

Butter Vegetable Jingle from tracey hill on Vimeo.

Jingle created by Teague, Toby and Zack

Billboard created by Rana, Robbie and Kamal
Billboard created by Gemma and Amelia
Billboard created by George and Logan
Vegeman created by Max and Ollie
Mascots created Ruby and Risha worn by Dennise

Mascots created by Bowen and Gerome

Whiteboards designed by Thomas, Logan, Kahu and Jack

BV2&8 was made by lots of effort by many
Room 8 and 2 children
Side of car created by Ruby and Riah

Side of car created by Jerome and Leo  

The Room 8 and 2 advertising team at lunchtime

Sandwich board created by Isabella and Ariah

Poster made by Henrietta and Neesha
Pamphlet made by Neesha, Caitlyn

Pamphlet is in the office ready for visitors to read
Mya and Henrietta delivering their pamphlets to the classrooms


  1. Very cool jingle boys! Think I WILL EAT THE NAAN at market day.

  2. Wow! There are so many different ways of advertising room 8! I think you have thought of ALL of them. What a very clever advertising campaign!!

  3. Wow I love your pic collarge Henrietta and Neesha.

  4. nice work on your jingle teague toby and zack I really like your mascot ruby and Dennise awesome work

  5. cool car room 8 and 2
