Thursday, August 14, 2014

New Species Reports

Oh no this is a terrible creature. It is part of a tiger and an eagle. At the zoo it just sleeps around on a big rock.
Where a tigle lives.
It lives in a big place with big ricks. There are trees that they can hide and sleep in. There is water to drink. Cubs get protected by their mums. When they get born with little wings a cub gets milk from their mum. There is just one tigle left because it got found on the ground dead killed from a human with a spear.  
Author Gemma

What does an oxape look like?
This creature is part oxen and part ape. It is hairier than King Kong and Big Foot. Its got claws as sharp as dinosaur teeth. It is so fussy about everything and when it is angry steam explodes out of its ears. 
Where does an oxape live?
It is too dangerous for him to be out in the wild. The oxape  has to live in a ginormous cage in the jungle.
What does an oxape eat?
The food that it eats is McDonalds Big Mac and it eats 1,000,000 a day. 
How does an oxape move?
Well the oxape moves just like an oxen, which is kind of like a bull. The oxape punches trees with its two fists.
What does an oxape do?
The oxape sings Red Foo songs and the oxape plays, scissor paper rocks, peaknuckle and chopsticks and he plays coconut with the zookeeper. This creature only plays at midnight when there is thunder. 

Have you seen an oxape before? There's only one left in the universe. 
Author Czar

What Does a Rabafox Look Like?
Rabafox has a coat of fury wool. Rabafox's ears flop to the side of her smooth round head. Her eyes glimmer and gleam in the sunlight. Rabafox's tiny paws make tiny sounds in the silky long grass. At the bottom of her tiny paws she has five pink pads that make pitter patter sounds.

Where a Rabafox Lives
Rabafox lives in an underground house called a burrow. Rabafox lives in the gigantic rain forests in South America. Rabafox is nocturnal. She runs around at night and sleeps at day. 

What Rabafox Eats
Rabafox eats meat from its prey. It hides in the dry grass so it can blend in. Rabafox pounces on her yummy prey. Her favourite food is blueberries.

Rabafox's Babies
When a rabafox's babies are born they are pink as a rose. When a baby rabafox is born their eyes are closed. When the babies are born they are hairless. In a couple of weeks time their babies open their eyes. When they are over 6 weeks old they search for food by themselves. They eat blueberries.

Rabafox's Predators
Rabafox's predators are huntsman, huntsman spiders and lions. When its predators trod by rabafox scurries into her burrow. 

What would you do if you saw a rabafox? 
Author Faith

Well its species are rabbit and lion. It has razor like teeth that would devour your hand in a second. You should look at its mane its like the Mad Hatter's hat sticking out of each millimeter around his head. Its ears flop down like a dead rabbit hanging over a fence. But guess what? Its body is a pink rabbit, how weird. 
Anyway guess what it eats? It eats any body parts, gross! Every time it sees an animal or a human it will pounce on you and gobble off your head. In its body it has two tummies, one for good food and one for bad. For this reason it has two bottom holes one for the good food tummy and one for the bad food tummy.
They live in burrow in Africa. It lives in burrows because they are dirty creatures.
What do their babies look like? 
Well they're tiny little things only two centimeters long. Their mane is fluffy like candyfloss. 
What are their predators? Well they actually have none because they are too fierce. 
How do they move?
They normally walk in herds just like an army with claws and teeth instead of guns. In their herds there is only about eleven or twelve of them. When they're in herds they are looking to eat people and animals. 
Would you like to meet one of these carnivores? I wouldn't! because they are disgusting creatures. They also gobble off your head aaaaaaah!
Author Neesha


What is a giraffidile?
Giraffidile is a strange animal that is a crocodile and giraffe joined together. However you will never see how sharp the tail is. Its little horns are as hard as a rock. The scales are narrow. 
Where does a giraffidile live?
A giraffidile lives on land and water like a crocodile. When it gets cool swimming in the ocean it goes on land and sleeps and eats. 
What a giraffidile eats?
A giraffidile eats fresh leaves and people. He goes in the water then people see it and they think it is a giraffe so they hop in the water, then snatch, he kills the people and eats them.
Giraffidile Predators
Giraffidile predators are people because giraffidiles eat them. This is how people catch them. They place a net underneath leaves then a giraffidile walks into the traps and kills them. 
What a giraffidile sounds like?
A giraffidile sounds like this grrrr. If you are walking outside and you hear grrr and are around fresh leaves the girrafidile might be about. Whenever you go in the water if you see a head of a giraffe I wouldn't go near would you?
Author Thomas

What a lionegl looks like?
A lionegl is a lion attached to an eagle. Lionegl has long pointy soft tail feathers at the end of the lionegl. It has long flappy wings that help the lionegl fly quickly through the air. It has a long fury mane surrounded around the lionegl's face. The feet are all yellow and at the tip of each toe are claws that point out at you. The eyes on the lionegl are a beautiful blue and it has a pink nose sniffing in case there is danger.
Where a lionegl lives
A lionegl lives in a nest on a rocky mountain but it can also go on land to look for its prey. The land is very dry and bare and has hardly any water there.
What a lionegl eats
Strangely a lionegl eats people, peacocks, lions and snakes. They are all it eats. They fly up in the sky to track down their food. When it finds its food it swoops down before the animal runs away from the lionegl. Stab! The lionegl's teeth stab into the peacocks side.
What are a lionegls predators
A lionegls predators are tigers, bees and sheep. The lionegl are scared of sheep because they bounce at the lionegl and surround the lionegl and he doesn't like it. The bee stings the lionegl's tongue and it really hurts because it stabs the lionegl's tongue and it really hurts.

Would you like to have a lionegl?
Author Caitlyn


What a centifly loooks like
It is strange creature because it is a dragonfly fused with a centipede. the bug has brown comfortable skin. they have forty legs on each side that are silvery green. Centiflies have gigantic white patterened wings. Centiflies have two big wings and two small wings that are powerful but thin.
Where a centifly lives
Often it lives near swamps. Sometimes a centify lives underground where there is lots of mud. It changes its home lots so it can catch its food.
What a centifly eats
It eats miniature flies that are shadowy black and have black, orange and green eyes. The centifly eats flies because they are small so they are easy to catch.
Who is the centiflies predator
It's predator is a rhinoceros. It uses its tongue to catch the centifly. The centifly sticks to the saliva when the rhinoceros sticks its tongue out.
Its amazing how strong such a thin bug can be. It has beautiful striped blue wings.
Have you seen a centifly?
Author Jeevanjot


Do you know what a lanti looks like? 
A lanti is a tiger combined with a lantern fish. It has the gills of a fish and legs for running away from predators on the ocean floor with claws to scratch up prey. With a fishes tail, in length, it can grow about one meter. The teeth are rotten yellow-green. The lanti glows like a diamond in the sky.
A lanti catches his prey by waiting for little fish to see his lantern and tries to take it with them when "SNAP!" He devours his meal by chewing furiously at the meal with his mouth shut because if he chews with his mouth open his food comes out and the blood spreads.
Where it lives
He lives in the bottom of the ocean in little caves because he needs to be protected because there can only be one lanti at a time. The caves are as long as a shin bone. They have cartilage instead of bone.
How it moves
A lanti transports by flickering its tail and flicks and stops and keeps doing that over and over again flicking around corners furiously snapping and investigating the gloomy water.
An egg from a lanti takes five years for a lanti's egg to hatch. There can only be one lanti at a time.
His predators such as stingrays, crabs and lobster eat the lanti. His stripes are shiny enough to reflect his light from his lantern. this reflects on his stripes and lures the enemies away from the lanti.

Would you want to meet a lanti?
Author Max 


  1. Wow what amazing report writing about your new species room 8. What amazing new creatures you have created. Tom we love your report writing. How very clever that the giraffidile can live on both water and land. If i see a giraffidile in the water i won't hop in would snatch and eat me!!

  2. I like your art work room 8 I like
    Neesha 's one the moat and her
    amazing writing good work Neesha

    Livy :}

  3. wow! room 8 . i love the snabat & the sherep

  4. What fantastic creations you have made - I loved reading about all your creatures even though some are a bit scary! Neesha's Mum

  5. Wow!!!! room 8 I love your creatures & your if your a kid dance around

  6. Wow room8 i love your creations that you made guys

  7. awesome room 8 love your storys
