Friday, April 04, 2014

Read the BFG

One of things on the can do list over the last few weeks has been to create something to convince people to read the BFG. Here are some of the creations.
Pic Collage  created by Faith

Big F... Giant from tracey hill on Vimeo.

A Bella production

The BFG from tracey hill on Vimeo.
A Zane and Rana Production
The BFG from tracey hill on Vimeo.
A Ruby L Production
The BFG from tracey hill on Vimeo.
A Mya Production
The BFG from tracey hill on Vimeo.
A Henrietta Production

A huge thank you to Ruby L who learnt how to make a movie trailer and taught others in Room 8 when they were stuck. We really appreciate your patience and skills in explaining new learning.

More movie trailers are coming...

Room 8 hopes their creations get you to read the BFG. 


  1. I like you're i moive's room 8

  2. Wow, these are so cool. What clever kids you are! I want to read the BFG again now.

  3. That's freaky people.

  4. Wow Rana and Zane what an amazing I movie. Keep up the amazing work guys
